• General Scenario and Current Trend : The state has geographical area of 137.90 lakh ha, 35% of which is Net Sown Area and 63.5% of the area is forest. Average annual rainfall is 1325 mm and being a high rainfall zone, the state has more than 20% of the area in acidic soil category. Deficiency of zinc & boron is prevalent. Sulphur deficiency has been found in pulses crop area. 27% of the area is irrigated. Undulating topography is one aspect for irrigation related constraints and nutrient management.

    76% of marginal and small farmers own 34% of land and average holding is 1.6 ha. 34% of the available land is cropped and 7.3% of area is under horticulture.

    SRR has been achieved only in soyabean (Kharif) and wheat (Rabi). The state has reported shortage of seeds in Kharif 2009 in maize, jowar, urd, moong, arhar, groundnut, til and niger. Paddy covers almost 75% of the area but productivity is very low.

    As per 3rd Advanced Estimates of 2008-09, productivity of rice is 1238 kg/ha, wheat 827 kg/ha, jowar 1490 kg/ ha, maize 1400 kg/ha, coarse cereals 647 kg/ha, gram 785 kg/ha, pulses 576 kg/ha, ground nut 1357 kg/ha, rapeseed and mustard 392 kg/ha, soyabean 987 kg/ha. Mango has productivity of 3.27 MT/ha, lime 6.01 MT/ ha, banana 2652 MT/ha, papaya 18.37 MT/ha, guava 7.04 MT/ha, chilly 6.01 MT/ha, onion 15.58 MT/ha, turmeric 7.11 MT/ha, ginger 7.83 MT/ha, potato 11.17 MT/ha, Tomato 10.72 MT/ha, cauliflower and cabbage 15.72 MT/ha, brinjal 14.66 MT/ha.

    In last 10 years livestock population has been doubled in the state. Milk production and egg production is increasing @ 7% every year in last three years.

    Agriculture and allied sector contributes approx 20% to the State GSDP.

  • Strength: Three agro-climatic zones, rich biodiversity, higher average rainfall, varied soil type suitable for various crops, availability of labour force, adequate electricity.

  • Limitation: Dominance of economically weaker farmers, fragmented holdings, low irrigation, soil health deficiency, low adoption of farm mechnisation.

  • Public Investment : Chhattisgarh is one of the few states who have made adequate intervention in agriculture and allied sector to increase production and productivity by spending more than 10% of State Plan resources from the State Plan in recent years as well through Centrally Sponsored Schemes. During 2005-06, agricultural sector received Rs.224.75 (6.49%), during 2006-07 Rs.316.80 cr (6.20%) and Rs.876.24 cr (13.66%) during 2007-08 out of the State Plan. In 2008-09, agricultural sector was allocated Rs.1225.92 cr (12.08%) out of Rs.10, 146.37 cr State Plan.

    During 2007-08, Government of India provided Rs.52.96 cr under RKVY, Rs.5.00 cr under ISOPOM, Rs.24.55 in under MMA, Rs.62.52 cr under NHM, Rs.4.22 cr under ATMA, Rs.14.55 cr under NFSM.

    During 2008-09, Rs.117.45 cr under RKVY, Rs.8.84 cr under ISOPOM, Rs.21.70 cr under MMA, Rs.30.00 cr under NHM, Rs.4.00 cr under ATMA, Rs.71.65 cr under NFSM was provided.

    Thus in last two years of the 11th Plan Period, GOI provided approx Rs.425 cr and State Government spent Rs.2102.16 cr for the agriculture and allied sector.